Sunday, May 13, 2012


May 12th, 2012

Unexpectedly, I won't be teaching ONLINE today.
My students called me an hour ago telling that they would be absent today from their classes.

Fortunately, I will have time to relax since this morning, I felt that my head was really full. So I couldn't get off my bed. My head was too heavy.

Today, I will have to sing at the wedding. I am also a wedding singer. At 2 in the afternoon, I will be off for this wedding performance.

Then at 5 in the afternoon, I will be back here at my centre for my centre-based training for an honor high school student who wants to have much higher grade this SY 2012-2013. She's been my trainee here. She started her training with me when she was ONLY in grade six. She prepared for her high school education with me. Now, that she's in third year, she wants to get in again into my training for she wants to bag the valedictorian medal in he fourth year.

Thanks be to the Almighty Father for giving me all the knowledge, wisdom, talents, and skills that I need in training my students and trainees here at the BRIDGES&BLITZ. They are the cream of the crop in their formal schools.

At 7:30 in the evening, I have to accompany our trainees in the indoctrination in our Church.

My long day's work will end at 12 tonight with my blogging and writing.

All these help me relax and help me to release my energy. 
So help me, GOD! 

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